Honrar, Honra
[Honor, Honors]Cesar Cuero1
1. Editor en Jefe;
La Academia Panameña de Medicina y Cirugía, se siente honrada, en resaltar la figura de uno de sus miembros distinguidos, el Académico Titular José Manuel Fábrega Sosa, MD, FACS, FSSO, APMC. Este distinguido cirujano, panameño, hizo sus estudios profesionales en la Universidad de Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana donde se graduó con honores siendo miembro de la Sociedad de honor AlphaEpsilonDelta. Continuó sus estudios de medicina en la George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC., donde obtuvo el grado de Medicina, graduándose también con honores siendo nombrado en la Sociedad de Honor de Medicina de los Estados Unidos, AlphaOmegaAlpha. Hizo su residencia en cirugía en el New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center y en Oncología Quirúrgica en el Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center de Nueva York. Ha sido Certificado y Recertificado por el American Board of Surgery. Fellow y ExGobernador del American College of Surgeons y Ex Presidente del Capítulo de Panamá del American College of Surgeons. Además de Fellow de la Society of Surgical Oncology. A nivel local, entre otros es Ex Presidente de la Academia Panameña de Medicina y Cirugía. Y Profesor Extraordinario de Cirugía, de la Facultad de Medicina, de la Universidad de Panamá. Presidente y miembro fundador de la Asociación Panameña de Cirugía Oncológica (APCO). Aparte de tener licencia en la República de Panamá, tiene licencia del estado de California y de Washington DC en los Estados Unidos. Recientemente, ha sido merecedor a un reconocimiento, reservado para pocos cirujanos destacados, en el mundo, ser reconocido como Honorary Fellow del American College of Surgeons (Colegio Americano de Cirujanos), luego de 43 años de brindar sus conocimientos para el cuidado y bienestar de sus pacientes. Cabe destacar que al presente Solo hay 487 cirujanos en el mundo entero que han recibido tal distinción. El Colegio Americano de Cirujanos otorga este honor cada año, a cuatro o cinco candidatos que han prestado servicios humanitarios, especialmente en el campo de la ciencia médica. Es el tercer panameño en recibir este reconocimiento; el primero en ser distinguido fue el doctor Augusto S. Boyd, en 1923; luego el neurólogo Antonio González Revilla, en 1973. La universidad de Cornell, de donde egresó, lo declaró exalumno meritorio y es el único egresado en recibir esa distinción. En Panamá; la Asamblea Nacional lo reconoció como ciudadano ejemplar y meritorio y el presidente de la república lo condecoró con la Orden Manuel Amador Guerrero en el “Grado de Gran Cruz”. Honrar, honra, y la Academia Panameña de Medicina y Cirugía, y La Revista Médica de Panamá, se enorgullecen de presentar a este ilustre panameño y latinoamericano.
The Panamanian Academy of Medicine and Surgery is honored to highlight the figure of one of its distinguished members, the Tenured Academician José Manuel Fábrega Sosa, MD, FACS, FSSO, APMC. This distinguished Panamanian surgeon did his professional studies at the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana where he graduated with honors as a member of the AlphaEpsilonDelta Honor Society. He continued his medical studies at the George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC., Where he obtained a degree in Medicine, also graduating with honors and being named in the American Honor Society of Medicine, AlphaOmegaAlpha. He did his residency in surgery at New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center and in Surgical Oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He has been Certified and Recertified by the American Board of Surgery. Fellow and Former Governor of the American College of Surgeons and Former President of the Panama Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. In addition to Fellow of the Society of Surgical Oncology. At the local level, among others, he is Former President of the Panamanian Academy of Medicine and Surgery. And Extraordinary Professor of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Panama.
President and founding member of the Panamanian Association of Oncological Surgery (APCO). Apart from being licensed in the Republic of Panama, it is licensed by the state of California and Washington DC in the United States. Recently, he has been worthy of a recognition, reserved for few outstanding surgeons, in the world, being recognized as Honorary Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (American College of Surgeons), after 43 years of providing his knowledge for the care and well-being of your patients. It should be noted that there are currently only 487 surgeons worldwide who have received such a distinction. The American College of Surgeons awards this honor each year to four or five candidates who have provided humanitarian services, especially in the field of medical science. He is the third Panamanian to receive this recognition; the first to be distinguished was Dr. Augusto S. Boyd, in 1923, then the neurologist Antonio González Revilla, in 1973. Cornell University, where he graduated, declared him a meritorious alumnus and is the only graduate to receive that distinction. In Panama, the National Assembly recognized him as an exemplary and meritorious citizen and the President of the Republic decorated him with the Manuel Amador Guerrero Order in the “Grand Cross Degree”. Honor, honor, and the Panamanian Academy of Medicine and Surgery, and La Revista Médica de Panama, are proud to present this illustrious Panamanian and Latin American.
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